Tuesday 17 March 2015

My Precious Garbage!!

Ever wondered how your waste can be someone's precious item. I have always wondered what people think of their waste, and how useful they can be. Our dumplings accounts for 100 million tons of global-warming pollution into the environment and tomorrow we will dump more. A very minute population are trying to reduce the amount of waste we dump, and also making good use of the waste as it remains precious to them. Our beautiful environment where people dine, go on romantic dates, have special moments on were created from dumps, but how is that possible is the question?

Sunday 15 March 2015

My National Anthem

Arise, O compatriots,
(Our compatriots have been killed)
Nigeria's call obey
(I wonder who will)
To serve our Fatherland
(my fathers land has been shared by crooks)
With love and strength and faith.
(with lies, criminals and pains)
The labour of our heroes past
(sadly, we have no hero)
Shall never be in vain,
(all is in vain)
To serve with heart and might
(stealing with soul body n spirit)
One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.
(nation bound in sorrows, sadness and problems)