Wednesday 5 November 2014

Employers' Danger

Organisations with mission and vision statements can be somewhat interesting, especially when they are never true. Organisations like Artic Spatial is one really good example. Here is there mission and vision statement. 


Commercial Assistant / Receptionist 
LAGOS- Nigeria

Medical Liaison
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Social Media and Nigeria

Social Networking platforms have proven effective for organisations in recent times. We have come to realize the impact of organisational influence with the use of social media. Organisations tend to use Facebook, and as time passed, we have come to see organisations act like kids tweeting from time to time. Reaching out to customers about their products and services, rendering relevant solutions to problems, reviews has been made easy, and technology has impacted heavily in our lives.

Tottenham Hotspur


Sales Manager
Job Specifications: Graduate with minimum of six (6) years in sales activity. Ability to manage and lead large sales force.
In addition, excellent Computer Literacy is a must.
Sound and safe driving skills with valid driving license.
LAGOS- Nigeria