Friday 17 October 2014

Development taking place!!!

Inspirational speakers give a reason for one to listen and then be heard, they say things that has already been said, things that has been forgotten. More like giving us a reason to go back to our subconscious thoughts to which we already know. But on this very day, I heard an inspirational person(attached with the government) talk about development in this particular region where this video clip was taken.


An interview was scheduled for 34 persons for different positions at Coca Cola, Nigeria. The 34 persons were present and waited for the usual routine which some of them were used to. The weird thing was no HR personnel came forward to say a word. Some of the 34 persons got together, talked and asked several questions just to be acquainted with themselves. Some made friends, some remained quiet. 2 hrs later, someone walked in, offered them each a bottle of diet coke and apologized for the delay. Told them to wait and that someone would attend to them.