Thursday 20 November 2014

My company is confused!!!

In a rather competitive environment, organisations tend to align creative thinkers into their organisational setting. Aligning creativity and innovative skills is one important step in acquiring people management in organisations. But do some of our organisations follow these steps? Do they seek innovative or creative thinkers who can not just make the company grow, but build a leadership root that will stand firm for a very long time. If organisations need creative and innovative ideas, why do they employ people who are not up to the task? Why do they discriminate creative minds from people who knows people who knows people, who knows people before they get a job? If organisations need creative minds to adopt business strategies and bring about positive results, why are so many unemployed? Who do they employ then?

Globacom.. A number of persons have asked me what I have against the well-known organisation who employs about 1,000 persons every year. Well, so does Jamie Oliver, the celebrity chef who isn't a billionaire but employs about 8,000 persons every year. And I don't have anything with such organisation, when something isn't functioning properly, the truth has to be told. How do globacom get their creative and innovative thinkers? Very easy. They don't. How is their process like? All you need do is send your resumes to some wackos hr personnel, who only care about how cute or beautiful you look, oh remember, you just have to look cute and that is their creativeness. What do they care about? Confidence. Ever seen or met a confident failure as a person? Well, you will see loads of them at Globacom.

In aligning creativity and innovation into organisation, steps are taken by the organisations. Such steps would involve tests ran to know who fits what role and how they can make the organisation better. But do three organisation run such tests? Don't think so.

Workforce Management: Most organisations follow the same pattern. Some make use of workforce as a medium where candidates are made to answer quantitative and qualitative questions that some were taught decades ago. And when they are not successful, an e-mail will be sent to them saying "there were not successful". But how does such quantitative & qualitative medium asked in such tests explains or describes how a person is the best person for the job? Sometimes, I wonder if such tests are relevant to the needed position. Therefore, I ran a test on one of the so-called workforce management company and spoke to one of their employees.

Her name was Sumbo. She was supposed to be a client relationship officer, but to my surprise, she doesn't communicate in English properly. She kept placing me on hold to confirm what she needed to say to me, to be sure she was saying the right thing. Now tell me, how does Sumbo fit with an organisation who runs test for other organisations? How does Ben, who also works with the company who can't seem to write properly create tests for organisations and rendering some candidates bad for that organisation?

My competitive environment isn't competitive. My competitive environment is centered  around those who are not sure of what the word competition is.  My organisation is a sham, my organisation only focuses on those who don't have creative minds, those who perform well in tests, but are not fit for the needed position for these companies. My company doesn't create any alignment with creativity, and innovative minds. My company is confused. Our company needs a revolution.

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