Thursday 6 November 2014

Advice going wrong!!

Stanley has always had it rough all along. He decided it was time to gain more ideas in his business. Stanley has a recruiting agency, but believes his agency isn't doing well. His marketing strategy seems okay to him, he believes he is doing extremely well at everything, but something seems wrong somewhere.

Stanley would visit seminars, he would read through articles, and he would still not get it right. He then sought to meet with two different persons for his career advice.

When Stanley got there, he explained his challenges and asked for advice. After sharing his story,

First person;
I believe you are doing everything wrong. For me, this is how it should be done. I have an organisation of mine and there are 3 recruiting agencies I make use of when getting the right person for my organisation. These three agencies have different steps taken, and I love their ideas. I am not going to share all there ideas with you, but I am going to say this. You are only going through a phase that you are not accepting. Learn to accept your failure and keep doing it. Take the steps for the first recruiting agency I recommend for my organisation. They have a personality test given to applicants, understanding the person for the job. They call for interviews and understand the person, how successful they can be, what they are capable of doing, and after much scrutiny, they take out the ones who are not successful, and those who are successful come to my organisation, I interview them personally. Mostly, I prefer the first recruitment agency because they are the power-force of my organisation. The other two organisations are used mainly for the labor-force of my organisation. Just be sure it will be fine, keep learning from your mistakes and be sure to know it will go just fine.

Second person;
What we do is inevitable, and failure will always come. For me, I don't think you have failed, I believe it's just a process that is gone wrong. As bad as you have had it, someone else has had it worse. And how do you learn from your mistakes? First, find out if the challenge is internal or external within your organisation. If it's internal, there are steps to be taken, and if it's external, you also need to take some steps. Judging from what you have shared with me, the challenge you face is internal. In understanding the challenges, you have to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Ideally, I will prefer you work more on your strengths and focus on your weaknesses. Do surveys on organisation feedback, employee feedback. What your resources are, internal processes. In understanding this, you can work towards creating for yourself an organisational successful strategy and I am sure you will do just fine.

After Stanley had listened to these two persons, he decided to follow the former. Stanley followed this advice and neglected the latter. He kept focusing more on the former and decided it was the best way to make his organisation the best recruiting agency in the country, but that became impossible.

Why did Stanley yield the first advice? The first person he got his first advice from was a billionaire, and because his methods were successful for his organisation, he thought the same methods would work for his. Therefore, didn't try the second advice, because he is yet to be successful as the billionaire. Both steps may be right, but it is always best to follow advice which is best suitable, and if they do not tend to work out, follow other advice you get. But advice shouldn't merely be followed because someone has been successful with the steps made, because someone's success steps/process may be someone else's worst failure.

Reflecting this to our life perspectives, we tend to follow advice from those who have been made successful than from those who haven't. We forget to realize that success can come from different angles and we neglect steps, processes that can make us who we are, but rely on those who have made their methods rather impossible for others.

Which advice would you follow? Whose advice will you take in making the right decisions or wrong decisions for you, for your business, for your life? We never can tell which is right? Make mistakes, keep making mistakes, and learn from them.

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