Monday 13 October 2014

Think like there is no BOX

How many philanthropists do we have in our country? Does philanthropy entail giving out unknown wealth to some persons? When will these so-called philanthropist think outside the box, or better still, think like there is no box? For a number of reasons, I have come to realize that giving is essential to us all. But for our country, even new born babies are aware of human financial needs, where people totally understand the value of money.
And giving back to the society is something never to be found. Why can't these philanthropist seek to educate their people, by giving back to the society? These days it is a competition of how the so-called philanthropists reap people off and how they give nothing of the sort to no one. How do we make people grab opportunities which seem impossible? Someone should stand up some day and build an organization which will be committed mostly to educate, and inform the public on the principles of wealth creation. Is that a reality or a pipe-dream?

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